Sunday, March 4, 2018

Can I get a Big Mac Here?

Where is the verse in the Bible that says true Christians must have the words church of Christ on the sign outside the building where they worship?  Is it Romans 16:16, “the churches of Christ salute you”?  No, nothing there about a building sign.  Maybe Acts 20:28, or I Corinthians 1:2?  No, those verses make reference to the “church of God.”  Disciples of Christ are called Christians, children of God, disciples of Jesus, the elect of God, and a host of other identifying titles, but does the sign on the building mean anything at all?

First of all, just because a building has the words church of Christ or church of Jesus Christ, or church of God doesn’t mean the people who meet there necessarily are followers of Christ.  Similarly, just because the phrase church of Christ isn’t written on the sign doesn’t necessarily mean the people are not true followers of Christ.  True disciples of Christ are distinguished by their adherence to the teachings of Jesus (I John 1:6,7, Matt. 7:17-20).  Anyone can compare what a local church is doing to the teachings of God’s word and can make a sincere judgment if that church belongs to Christ or not.

So, do the words on the sign outside the building mean anything?  Of course!  For the same reason you look for the high-flying golden arches when you want a Big Mac, or why you might choose to shop at a department store that has Walmart on the sign instead of Target.  The sign tells you something about the products and services being offered inside the building.  In regards to a local church, the sign outside the building tells you something about the work and beliefs of the people who meet there.  Here is something else the sign tells you: who or what those people claim as their authority.In recent years, many buildings that once had the words church of Christ displayed somewhere outside, have been the apparent victims of theft.  Left and right, the words “of Christ” have been vanishing from church signs and buildings, so that signs simply read, “Green Hills Church”, “Destiny Church”, or “The Church in Richardson”.  Why would a group of people who once associated themselves primarily with the work and teachings of Jesus Christ decide to remove His name from the building sign?

Consider a local example.  This particular congregation formerly identified itself as a church of Christ, but at some point, decided to remove the “Christ” from their signage and website.  This particular congregation offers a traditional worship (acapella singing, weekly observation of the Lord’s supper, reverent prayer, etc.) and a contemporary worship (instrumental music, light show, dancing, spirit-led messages and activity), meaning you can choose to make worship what you want, not what the Lord commanded (John 4:24).  This particular church boasts a cafĂ© and bookstore.  They also have a preschool academy and daycare.

When one goes to the word of God, it is impossible to find authority for instrumental music in worship.  It is also impossible to find authority for the church getting involved with secular institutions such as bookstores, cafes, daycares, or schools.  All of those kinds of services are provided by men in the secular world.  You don’t have to go to a church to purchase a book or a cup of coffee.  You don’t have to go to a church to find a daycare or school.  The church that the Lord established offers the truth of Jesus Christ and nothing else (I Tim. 3:15).  If a group of people desire to deviate from or add to this truth, or if they believe this truth offends too many people, then it may become necessary for them disassociate themselves from Christ…away goes the name of Christ from the sign.

Now, when Christ is no longer the single authority presiding over a local church, who’s to say what is right or wrong in worship, teachings, practices, or the beliefs of the members?  Instead of serving grape juice and unleavened bread for the Lord’s Supper, why not Coke and French Fries?  Instead of reading from the Bible, why not read from The Book of Mormon or The Handbook of Zen Buddhism?  Instead of a revert assembly for worship, why not go down to the lake and fish and have a little party?The sign in front of any building can be misleading, but if a McDonalds sign was ever replaced by Burger King, you’d know something had changed about the food inside.  When a local congregation decides to take Christ off of the signage outside, it says something about what those people believe about the authority of Christ and His word. 

Many churches claim they simply do not want to offend or alienate anyone by claiming submission to Christ.  Paul asks the question in Galatians 4:16, “Have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?”  If truth is being proclaimed, some will be offended.  There is no getting around it.  Jesus Christ IS THE TRUTH (John 4:16)!  If we believe that, we need to boldly proclaim it to the world.

Jeremy Koontz - Web page - Facebook

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