The Pursuit of Happiness
What about when life circumstances and chance are against you? Is it possible for one to be happy when the
roof has a leak and there’s no money to pay for the repairs? Is it possible to be happy following the
death of a loved one? Is it possible to
be happy when one is unpopular and teased by others?
A mountain of books has been published on the subject of finding
happiness and true fulfillment in life.
But only ONE book reveals to us the true path to genuine, lasting
happiness and contentment. Consider some
points the Word of God makes about finding and maintaining happiness of spirit.
The first two verses of Psalm 128 teach, “Happy is every one who fears
the Lord and walks in His ways. You will
eat the labor of your hands. Happy you
will be, and it will be well with you.”
What does fearing God have to do with happiness? Everything!
That is, when
we understand that the happiness we find in fearing God is not the same
as the feeling of happiness worldly
men pursue. The word translated ‘happy’
here can also be translated ‘blessed’ or ‘favored.’ Think of a little child who is favored by a
parent: ice cream treats and special toys are that child’s bounty, and imagine
how that child feels about his relationship with his parent. It is that feeling of privilege, security,
hope, and deepest gratitude that points us to understanding the happiness we
have in fearing God.
The worldly-minded individual sees happiness as a feeling that comes and
goes based on one’s circumstances. If
things are going well, then one has something about which to be happy. If things are not going well, it takes away
one’s happiness. But we find in God’s
word that true happiness is not contingent upon what happens to us in this
world: happiness is a choice! One can
choose to be happy by choosing to trust in the Lord (Jos. 24:15).
Proverbs 16:20 says, “happy is he who trusts in the Lord.” Happiness isn’t just poured into our hearts
simply because we trust in the Lord; but when we trust in Him by following what
He has commanded, the RESULT is that our lives are generally better. Many Christians are not happy, are discontent
about their relationship with God because they simply are not faithfully doing
all that the Lord requires of them. They
see the poor circumstances life has dealt them and they respond, not by
prioritizing faithful obedience to the Lord, but by prioritizing the worldly
solutions to their problems. For
example, if the money is running low, they expect to be happy by getting the
right job, even if that job conflicts with their attendance to the assemblies
and work for the local church. But by
denying the Lord, they drift further away from true happiness. Happy is he who trusts the Lord, not he who
trusts in worldly gain.
God’s word also teaches us that our happiness can be increased by
helping and doing for others (Prov. 14:21).
The next time you are feeling sorry for yourself and sorrow and
discouragement are creeping into your heart, go out and do something to serve
someone else in need. Give to the
poor. Clothe the naked. Provide a place of refuge for those who are
without home and shelter. Call or visit
one of the brethren. Focus outward on
others instead of inward on self, and see how the Lord blesses you and how you
will increase in happiness, contentment, and gratitude.
As Christians, we should be the happiest people on earth. (Psa. 144:15, Psa. 146:5) And yet, many
Christians are seen as bitter, curmudgeonly, and pessimistic, and every word
they speak is negative and discouraging about the future. Many Christians have allowed the world to
choke out the happiness they once enjoyed as a child of God. But, if we endure the struggles of this
world, hold up the walls of our faith as evil and discouraging spirits press in
on us, we will be happy indeed. James
5:11 says, “We count them happy that endure…”
Are YOU happy??? What is the
source of your happiness? Even if you
are struggling and suffering in this world, if you are living a life of
servitude to God and suffering for Christ, happiness is yours for the “the
spirit of glory and of God rests upon you.” (I Peter 4:14)
Jeremy Koontz